Cloud Agents

Cloud Agents refer to the organization's assets (i.e., servers, workstations, etc.) that are being scanned in your environment. Each has an agent installed to perform the scanning, which occurs every four hours.,

SP360 tracks a number of attributes for each Cloud Agent that allows for easy identification:

Attributes Definition
Qualys ID The unique ID number assigned to the each vulnerability.
Name The name of the asset.
Type The type of the asset (i.e., servers, workstations, etc.).
Address The IP address of the asset.
Vulnerability Count The total vulnerability count.
New Vulnerability The new vulnerability count.
Modified Date The date on which a asset was last updated.
Last Scanned Date The date on which a asset was last scanned.


Each Cloud Agent has two available action buttons as indicated by the icon on the right side of each line:

Icons Definition
Bug Icon This icon will redirect you to the VULNERABITIES page, where you can get the list of all vulnerabilities for that specific cloud agent.
Eye Icon This icon will show the additional details related to each specific vulnerability, in a popup window. Information such as the location of the vulnerability and a potential remediation.