
Endpoints are the connection points for any of your organization’s applications, systems, tools or services which can be accessed over a network. Typically, more than 50% of security breaches originate at the endpoints, so it is a crucial task to maintain proper “cyber hygiene” and monitor these security risks.

SP360 tracks a number of attributes for Endpoints that allows for easy identification:

Attributes Definition
Qualys ID The unique ID assigned to each vulnerability.
IP The IP that defines different cloud sources or assets within an organization.
Types The type of Endpoint, i.e., Internal or External.
Vulnerability Count The count of vulnerabilities associated with each Endpoint.
New Vulnerability The count of newly identified vulnerabilities associated with an Endpoint. .
Modified Date The date on which the vulnerability was last modified.
Last Scanned Date The date on which the scan was last run.


To further filter the vulnerabilities by endpoint type, i.e., Internal or External, you can use the drop-down filter given at the top of the screen. DSDS

Each Endpoint has three available action buttons as indicated by the icon on the right side of each line:

Icons Definition
Bug Icon This icon will redirect you to the VULNERABITIES page, where you can get the list of all vulnerabilities for that specific Endpoint. For more information, click here
Eye Icon This icon will show the additional details related to each endpoint, in a popup window. Information such as the IP and Type of the endpoint. For more information, click here
Eye Icon To assign an alias to an endpoint. Once the alias is assigned to an endpoint, the alias will appear just below the IP of the endpoint. For more information, click here